Kids Learning Languages
Kids are sponges — why not allow them the opportunity to soak up another language right now?
Kids are sponges — why not allow them the opportunity to soak up another language right now?
Do your kids need a little adventure to add to their daily routine this school year? How about signing them up for Cub Scouts!?
Our bodies simply don’t function the way they should if they aren’t properly hydrated. The problem is, kids aren’t really aware of that. You have to teach it!
Summer is for playing outdoors – except when it is pouring or wickedly hot! When the weather has you stuck indoors and your kiddos repeating, “I’m bored!” like a broken record, then pull out some supplies and have a slime free craft day!
It’s no secret – this summer has been HOT! Grab the family and head to one of these top places to chill out during these steamy summer months!
Motherhood is … everything. Mom blogger and writer, Susie Dyson, ties into all of the hard, yet beautiful struggles of mommyhood.
Mom reporter, Susie Dyson, and her 3 year old boy tried out a 6-week gymnastics course at The Little Gym of Mason. His positive growth and development week-by-week was extraordinary.
Clean up, everybody clean up! Get your kids to help out around the house – it’s good for them, and for mama!
Getting kids to exercise is as simple
as dance parties in the kitchen,
strolling around the neighborhood
and signing up for an active class.
Mom reporter, Susie Dyson, has been tracking her little boy’s progress while taking classes at The Little Gym of Mason!