So far, Mom Reporter, Susie Dyson, is pleased with how well her little boy is building his skills at The Little Gym of Mason. He loves it! He is learning to share more, take turns and is beginning to brave more obstacles. Read about week one here:…/mom-report-the-little…

“My son continues to enjoy the Little Gym. He definitely is starting to get used to the routine and growing in his listening skills,” Dyson says. “He understood that he had to wait for the uneven bars for example and that he needed to participate in the opening activities before heading out to explore.”

Dyson continues. “He asked me a couple of times during the opening activities but waited. One of the opening activities he really enjoyed included dancing and then freezing when the music stopped. During the exploration time he returned to the uneven bars as well jumped on the different mats and walked on the balance beam.”

She explains how the Little Gym teaches little ones how to start taking turns, which is great to start instilling at a young age, her boy being almost 3 years old.
“When it was time to clean up he eagerly helped the instructor. I hope that transfers to home! So far this has been a great experience!” she says.
Dyson is eager for their final week, Week 3. For more information about The Little Gym and what they have to offer, go to