A Valentine’s Day Special: Craft 2

Here’s a craft for kids that will require some help from Mom or Dad. Wrap Suckers with Love turns ordinary suckers into a special Valentine’s Day treat.


What You Need
Red or Pink Felt
Hot Glue
Valentine’s Day Stick-on Sayings
Thin White Ribbon


What You Do

  1. Take a sucker and lay it on the felt and mark a dot on the felt on both sides of the sucker’s widest width and straight across from one another. Then put a mark at the top of the sucker to let you know how far upward to draw your heart.
  2. From one dot, draw your heart upwards and connect to the other dot — you will not have a pointed end — and be sure to go above the top dot.
  3. From one dot, draw a skirt like design downward and connect to the other dot — this acts as the wrappers opening.
  4. With your scissors, cut a 1/8″ vertical line about 1/4″ in from the point where the heart and skirt connect — where the dots were. Do this to both sides.
  5. Now, take this heart and lay it on another piece of felt and trace and cut that one out.
  6. Then, repeat step 4 to that heart. This will leave you with two identical heart pieces; one for the front and one for the back.
  7. Take your hot glue and glue around the edges of the heart side, not the skirt end. Set aside to dry.
  8. Once dry, slide your sucker in.
  9. Cut a piece of ribbon, slide it through the little vertical slots that you made on one side, loop it around the back, slide it through the vertical slots on the other side and tie in the front.
  10. Pick out one of your stick-on Valentine’s Day sayings and stick it on. I got a package of 85 stickers for $1 at Target in the dollar section. Or, you can use fabric puff paint and write whatever you like on them.

These special little treats are great for school Valentine’s Day hand-outs, or just to make for your own family.

This article was originally published in March 2025.