Happen’s Kid Film Critics are back with their take on World of Tomorrow, directed by Don Hertzfeldt.  Says TT Stern-Enzi, who guides the kids through a screening of the film, “I am proud to present World of Tomorrow as March’s featured film review from Happen’s Kid Critics. The film, written and directed by Don Hertzfeldt, was a recent Academy Award nominee for Best Animated Short and won the Grand Jury Prize for Short Film at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. It is the story of Emily, a 4-year old visited by her third generation clone from over 200 years in the future. The cloned version of Emily transports her to the future, exposes her to snippets of experiences, and extracts one key memory from the young girl. The film explores the typical questions and concerns about time travel (the impact of changing or influencing the future) from a unique perspective and does so, utilizing a stark, hand-drawn style that seems to belie the notion of futuristic representations. The Kid Critics tackle the subject matter as only they can, prepping would-be audiences for a daring experience. World of Tomorrow is currently available on Netflix and via the streaming service Vimeo.”

What the Kids Have to Say:

This animated short tells of the relationship between deadpan Emily and her first–generation clone, Emily Prime.  Emily shows the then young, innocent Emily Prime the “World of Tomorrow.”  The director portrays existential angst, despair and condemnment of the human race in an original and surprisingly witty way.  Emily’s robotic, emotionless voice and Emily Prime’s young, naïve toddler work well together. Their crude stick figures portrayal is somehow more in-depth than 3-D animation would have been.  – Eliza

World of Tomorrow is a piece of art in every way.  World of tomorrow has the ability to capture every emotion in just a sixteen minute film.  I highly recommend seeing this film.  – Henry

I love this short!  While only 15 minutes, it is cuter than Disney and nerdier than Spielberg.  The only word I can describe this with is “watchable. “  There’s something in the World of Tomorrow for everyone. Cute animation, dark humor and sci-fi brilliance … all in all, this is a short better than even Pixar could’ve achieved.  World of Tomorrow is by far the best short I’ve seen in very long time. – Luci

This article was originally published in March 2025.