When you have to be out the front door early in the morning, you need to be ready. Nothing’s worse than a frantic morning mother.  Try some of these working mom tips! 

Gone are the days when you couldn’t work things out with your employer … especially if you’re a hard, dedicated worker. But working moms still do overtime to manage a busy families. Here are top tips of working moms … but you can use’em too if you’re a stay-at-home … hey, anything to streamline your busy life!
• Set your house clocks 10 minutes ahead. That way, you’re rushing against a deadline with a few minutes of give.

• Get ready the night before with what you and the kids need for the next day. That means keys where they need to be, back packs ready, outfits selected, the kitchen cleaned up the night before so you’re ready for a new day.

• Give your children jobs. Kids can set the table, vacuum, load the dishwasher, start a load of laundry — empower them to do so and let them know how helpful they are to you this way!

• Stock your freezer: If you’re making a pasta bake, double the recipe and stash one in the freezer. Double cook on the weekends if you can, too. Life saver.

• Take Baby with you. It can be surprising how flexible an employer can be today — especially if you’re an invaluable employee. Be one then make your requests known. Baby doesn’t HAVE to go to childcare until he’s ready for crawling.

This article was originally published in March 2025.