Whether it be a rainy day, the weekend … or a snow day … we are always trying to find things for our kiddos to do while inside. If you child has started school, or just beginning to learn how to write his name, fun crafting projects that requires him to use his writing skills can help keep boredom away.

Here’s a fun way to create something out of your name, the alphabet or words of animals, shapes, transportation … whatever your hearts desire. It’s simple and will give little ones some practice on writing, letter and word recognition as well as using their imagination.

What you need:
Spoon or Wooden ruler
Black Marker

What you do:


  1. Fold paper in half.
  2. Have your child write his name in big block letters using the fold of the paper as the line to write it on. For beginners, parents can draw the letters for them and have them color the letters in.
  3. Keep coloring on each letter with the crayons until you have a lot of crayon on each letter. Be creative and color with different colors.
  4. Fold the paper in half again.
  5. Take the spoon (or wooden ruler) and rub the paper on the back side of the name.
  6. Open the paper back up to reveal what shape your name or word has created
  7. Trace along the outline of the word as well as some of the inside parts of the letters with your marker to see what you have created.

My name (Kiera) created crazy alien creature! What did yours make?
Post your CRAZY creations on our Facebook Page!

This article was originally published in March 2025.