Ways to Celebrate Mom!

Mom’s special day is almost here, and there are loads of ways you can show your appreciation for the lovely ladies in your life. We rounded up a few special activities designed with Mom in mind!


Brunch at Coney Island (6201 Kellogg Ave.)

Enjoy an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet in Moonlite Gardens or Moonlite Pavilion on Mother’s Day, then visit the Appalachian Festival, check out photo opportunities, enjoy a horse-drawn carriage ride and more. Tickets are $49.99 ages 11 and older, $12.99 ages 10 and younger. Purchase tickets at coneyislandpark.com.


Behringer Crawford Museum (1600 Montague Road, Covington)

Moms get free admission to this fascinating museum in Devou Park on Mother’s Day from 1 – 5 p.m. Visit bcmuseum.org for details.


Brunch at Winton Woods (1515 W. Sharon Road)

Bring Mom for brunch in the park at an all-you-can-eat buffet on Mother’s Day. Tickets are $19.35 adults, $9.75 ages 2 – 12, plus tax. Visit greatparks.org or call 513-521-7275 for tickets.


Make a Vase with Neusole Glassworks (11925 Kemper Springs Dr.)

Celebrate Mom by making a glass vase with pretty flowers, all with help from professional glassblowers. RSVP for a time slot between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m., May 6, 12, or 13; cost is $65. Call 513-751-3292 or visit neusoleglassworks.com.


Krohn Conservatory (1501 Ede Park Dr.)

Thanks to Macy’s, all moms get half-price admission on Mother’s Day to the Krohn to see the Butterfly Show. Learn more at 513-421-5707 or visit butterflyshow.com.


Mother’s Day Brunch at the Taft (316 Pike St.)

Enjoy a European brunch on Mother’s Day then explore the exhibit Louis Comfort Tiffany: Treasures from the Driehaus Collection. Seatings available from 11:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.; tickets are $34 members, $38 nonmembers, $14 ages 6 – 12, and free ages 5 and younger. RSVP required at taftmuseum.org.


Mother’s Day Train Ride on the LM&M Railroad (127 S. Mechanic St., Lebanon)

Take Mom on a unique outing that features a fun train ride through Warren County. Trains depart at 9 and 11 a.m. on May 13; tickets are $27 – $25 adults, $25 – $33 seniors and ages 2 – 16. Call 513-933-8022 or visit lebanonrr.com.


Celebrate at Jane’s Saddlebag (13989 Ryle Road, Union)

Bring Mom for a special day with a complimentary flower or plant, lunch and dinner specials, live music from 3 – 6 p.m., and moms get free entry into the Petting Zoo. Call 859-384-6617 or visit janessaddlebag.com.


Mother’s Day Brunch and Stamping at The Silver Diva (7594B Voice of America Center Dr., West Chester)

Bring Mom or Grandma for brunch and a stamping project that results in a unique gift. Held on May 13 from 11 a.m. 2 p.m.; cost is $35 for mom, $15 for each additional adult, and $10 for children. RSVP at thesilverdiva.com.




This article was originally published in March 2025.