I will be posting a few crafting ideas to do with your kids over the next few days that are great for creating a special Valentine’s for a loved ones. These are easy to do with kids of almost any age – adult help and supervision for the toddler set.



  Heart Necklace  

What you need:
Construction Paper (pink, red, black, purple or white)
Safety Scissors
Hole Punch
Markers or Crayons

What you do:

  1. Take a piece of construction paper and cut it into four squares
  2. Fold a square in half and cut a heart out of it
  3. Take an alternate color of construction paper and repeat steps 1 and 2, but cutting the heart smaller (or you can just use the same color)
  4. Have your child write his name, “I Love You” or anything special onto each heart
  5. Let them get creative and use different colors and glitter
  6. Punch a hole in the top parts of each heart
  7. Thread string through each hole, adding a different color heart or different size heart each time

This article was originally published in March 2025.