Once we get back to norm, this will be perfect to use as spare chair when for when guests come over, and I can’t wait to take it out to the restaurants and avoid grimy high chairs. But for now, it’s fantastic to use out on the porch in the nice weather or around the house. After the current safe social distancing, I’m looking forward to simply folding it up and heading to grandma’s house, or a friends! That way they won’t have to worry about having a proper baby or toddler seat on-hand during meal and snack time! 

The comfortable seat five-point safety harness secures your little one in, and also comes with a drawstring bag for storage, and the best part, parents? The clear vinyl tray makes it an easy clean up! 

Although our Florida trip got canceled due to the unusual circumstances we are all facing, we still have been enjoying this go-anywhere-high-chair inside and outdoors while we stay-at-home, and we are counting the days when we can  use it for everyday and travel purposes!

Learn more about the Ciao! Portable High Chair at theportablehighchair.com/ciao-baby-chair; plus read more about it in Cincinnati Family’s April issue here. 

This article was originally published in March 2025.