Cincinnati Family Magazine

Your # 1 Hometown Family Resource

September 16, 2024

Family Bonding With a Social Network

So many of us are on Facebook — and it’s so OPEN — that lots of intimate families — moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandmas and the like — are turned off by how many people outside of family can be on a “feed.” Connecting to family on Facebook can result in limited sharing between family members and the presence of younger members limits what  relatives can see. Grandparents can often struggle to make sense of Facebook, turning off to how many strangers they can encounter when trying to reach a family member.

Try a family social networking site. There are several you can try: FamilyLeaf, MyFamily.comRootsy.

These networks are meant for families only to share memories, photos and private conversations.

While it may be true that sites like Facebook isolate us one by one on our individual browsers, a family social site may be just the thing to pull you all together!



About the Author

Susan Day

Susan Day is the editor in chief of Cincinnati Family Magazine and a mother of four.