Cincinnati Family Magazine

Your # 1 Hometown Family Resource

September 20, 2024

COLORful Hearts


A Valentine’s Day Special: Craft 1

Here’s a craft for kids of the older set. It may also require some help from Mom or Dad, but the ending result is cute and fun! These COLORful Hearts are great to add a special touch to Valentine’s Day cards.


What You Need
Old crayons (without the paper on them)
Old sauce pan that you would no longer use
Heart Shaped ice cube trays (I found mine at Target in the $1 section)
Sealable baggie


What You Do

  1. Make sure that all the crayons are free from their paper wrapping and break them up a little. Try to use colors that are similar, or you will have a brownish colored ending result.
  2. Put all your broken pieces into the sealable baggie and tap them with the hammer to crumble them.
  3. Put all the crumbles into the sauce pan.
  4. Heat on medium high on the stove for about a minute. You can see them melt almost instantly when the heat warms the bottom of the pan.
  5. Let all the crumbles melt.
  6. Quickly pour into the heart-shaped ice cube tray.
  7. Stick them in the freezer.
  8. Once solid, then pop them out.


You can hand them out at school or just tape them to each Valentine’s Day card. Even the boys will like them because you can color with them.

About the Author

Kiera Ashford

Kiera Ashford is the Managing Editor of Cincinnati Family Magazine, and a mother of two.