I need more time! Everyone has the same amount of time in a day, so it boils down to how we use our time. Sometimes I have learned to think smarter, not harder! I have learned a few time savers from my own experience as well talking to other people. In these next few posts I hope to share and exchange some ideas with you all!

                  This is common sense but I think we (I) underestimate the power of the drive thru. I am not talking about getting your burger and fries, but all the places that have drive up service. This saves time so you don’t have to strap and unstrap your kids!

Coffee places – I love my coffee but can’t justify getting everyone out for my cup of joe. More and more Starbucks like the ones in Loveland and Milford have a drive thru, as well as tons of locally owned drive through coffee places. McDonalds isn’t the only place to get a cup of coffee!

Bank – You can deposit a check or even buy stamps at some banks like Fifth Third. Your kids may even get a lollipop, and if they are anything like mine, they are intrigued with the funnel you put your bank statements in and send to the teller.

Pharmacy – When we have to get a prescription, this is super convenient. There have been times that I have dropped off a prescription and then my husband picked it up on the way home when the doctor does not call it in.

Cleaners – We don’t really send a lot of clothes to the cleaners, but it is good to know you can drop off and pick up your clothes. Some services even deliver to your house.

Goodwill – When I am inspired to declutter, I love taking things to Goodwill. I am getting stuff out of my house while knowing that someone else can use it. I love that I can just pull up and the employee comes right to my car.

Library – A lot of libraries have a drop box for returning books, and as of June 1, all Hamilton County libraries are offering curbside service! It is just what it sounds like too! You reserve your books online and then when they are ready to be checked out you call the library and tell them you are on your way. Once you arrive at the library you call them again and a librarian brings them right to your car. Some libraries like Harrison have had a drive up window for a long time and some branches offer lockers where people can get their books after hours. But this curbside service is fantastic because all of the branches in Hamilton County offer it.

Grocery – This is for a future post, as there is a lot to say about it, but Kroger’s Clicklist and Wal-Mart’s free grocery pickup have saved me a lot of time and frustration!

These are a few ways that drive thrus have helped me save time. How do you utilize the drive thru?

This article was originally published in March 2025.