Featured photo provided by Finn + Emma
We rounded up our favorite essential baby items to get you rockin’ and rollin’ in no time!
SWADDLE SACK swaddledesigns.com | $22+ Swaddle baby and place him on his back for safe, comfortable sleep. For newborn to 6 months old.
BABY FOAM PLAY MATS comfortdesignmats.com | $149.95 This waterproof, easy-to-clean, comfortable foam play mat is perfect for tummy time, babies learning to sit up, mommy and me exercise and fun! Non-toxic, reversible and 6.5 x 4.5 foot of cushioned padding.

BBLÜV TERMÖ 4-IN-1 DIGITAL THERMOMETER bbluvgroup.com | $49.99 This thermometer offers a precise, non-contact way to quickly and accurately check Baby’s temperature. Hold it to Baby’s forehead or even use it to take the temp of your warmed milk or even the bath water. It’s different temperature zones will alert you with colors: normal (green), slight fever (orange) or high fever (red). Peace of mind made handy.

BBLÜV RINÖ NASAL ASPIRATOR bbluvgroup.com | $49.99 In less than one minute, this aspirator gently cleans Baby’s nose. It provides a unique, safe continuous suction not available on manual aspirators, and it also has a large, transparent leak-proof collection cup. Easy to clean (no filters!), it will help limit the spreading of germs.

ECO-FRIENDLY, DYE-FREE BABY CLOTHES finnandemma.com Babies have sensitive skin, so it’s important to use natural laundry detergents and many parents opt for dye-free clothing, too. Finn + Emma’s clothing line is 100 percent organic, adorable and comfy. Their soft Wildflowers and Clouds collections include rompers, onesies, shirts, pants and more all from local moms and businesses.

Now that you’re all ready for Baby, check out this month’s Expecting guide to help you have a healthier pregnancy before that new bundle arrives!