The Vtech Touch and Discover Turtle is a fun and versatile toy for curious babies! It is fun watching my daughter play with it – especially since she is at that age where she is grabbing things.
I feel like she really started to play with it around 6 months, so this sensory-friendly turtle is perfect around that age! It is a very tactile toy with different textures to feel and grip. The mirror is fun for babies, too – babies enjoy watching themselves!

The colors capture baby’s attention and keeps them entertained for a quite awhile! Interesting enough, my older kids enjoy the turtle, too. They like how it plays over 50 sounds, songs and numbers. My favorite part about this entertaining toy is that it turns into a ball!
If you’re looking for a fun toy for your little one, I highly recommend the Vtech Touch and Discover Turtle! You can read more about it here along with some more of Cincinnati Family’s favorite items for Baby!
This fun turtle goes for $19.99 and is for ages 3 + months. You can find it at