Oh, how I love to add books to my family library. Our most recent library addition is, “Pidge Takes the Stage,” by Michelle Staubach Grimes. “Pidge Takes the Stage” is the squeal to “Where is Pidge?” My kids enjoyed reading the story about Pidge and Maverick and how they set a goal to be in the school musical. This prompted my kids to stop reading and to ask me if I have ever been in a school musical and talk about if they ever wanted to be in one. This lead to a great text-to-self discussion on what it would take to be in a school musical … patience, confidence and dedication to practice. They then made a prediction of what they think would happen in the story.

Getting back to the story, they enjoyed reading the words and then checking out the illustrations. They fell in love with Maverick and his personality. The illustrator did a fantastic job matching the illustrations to the story. My daughter still wants to know what kind of chips Maverick snagged on the front cover!

We followed up reading our new book with a visit to whereispidge.com where we learned more about the Pidge books, about the author and the #PidgePromise. My family made their #PidgePromise – The Pratt Family promises to read aloud 20 minutes each day. We look forward to another Pidge book!

This article was originally published in March 2025.