Outdoor Goodies

There are plenty of cool products you can have delivered right to your doorstep or you can get a variety of outdoor items at King Arthur’s Court, Target or Kroger using their pickup services. On a budget? Simply engage in free, family-friendly outdoor games. Check out our list of outdoor products and game ideas to get outside with the family this month! Plus, check out which two we are giving away! 

  1. Stomp Rocket Stunt Planes – These great toys are both exciting and educational! Designed by Aeronautical Engineers, these three stunt planes fly high and are full of STEM fun. Visit stomprocket.com for more information. (We are giving one away!) 
  2. My Gnome on the Roam kit – Families can spend time exploring their yards with a friendly gnome of their own. The Gnome Adventure app is full of interesting ideas for outdoor fun that families can chronicle using a family adventure journal. Visit mygnomeontheroam.com for more information. (We are giving one away!)



    Have a bubble party with the entire family. Use batteries or wall power.

  3. Piggy Back Rider – Parents, want to enjoy a nature hike with your toddler? Kiddos will love this standing carrier that delivers an exciting view with comfort and ease of use for their parents. Learn more at piggybackrider.com. 
  4. Minnidip Designer Inflatable Pools – Who doesn’t like to take a dip when the weather is warm? Minnidip inflatable pools fit up to three adults (or a bunch of kids!) and feature designer trends! Cool kids will adore the bright sprinkle donut, watermelon and lemon designs while parents will appreciate the ease of assembly and lack of maintenance. Visit minnidip.com for more information.   
  5. Chicco Jogging Stroller – With a variety of colors and designs, Chicco has fabulous jogging strollers like the Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller which makes getting some exercise a breeze! Hit the streets and get moving while your kiddo rides in both style and comfort. Visit chiccousa.com for more information. Plus, keep a lookout for our full mom report for an inside look!  
  6. Globber Elite Deluxe Lights Scooter – Light up the day and take a brand-new scooter for a spin. This adjustable height scooter features light up wheels that kids will love. Visit globber.com/product-family/light-up-scooters for more information.  
  7. Kites – Don’t run inside on windy days, head outside with a brand-new kite, available in cute designs like unicorns, foxes, sharks and so much more. Available through drive-up at King Arthur’s Court, visit kingsarthurscourt.com for more information. 


    Little ones will LOVE being outside for water play and you don’t really need all of the fancy accessories that come with some of the available tables. Kids can play with small plastic animals and more in their water table — let them use their imaginations! This Little Tikes Frog Pond Water Table is available on Amazon for $34.

  8. Colorations Chalk Stencils – Enjoy chalk in a new way, hit the sidewalks with some brand-new stencils in animal shapes to create a work of art. Available at amazon.com

Outdoor Games

  1. “Mother May I” – Choose a “Mother” who grants or denies individual player requests. The goal is for players to make it from the opposite side of the yard (or room) to the mother. All players stand on a starting line side by side. “Mother” stands facing them all, many feet or yards away. “Mother” tells each player how to advance once by one: “Jenny, take three babysteps forward!” The player MUST ask, “Mother, may I?” before following through. If a player forgets to ask, they must go back to the finish line. “Mother” can also send players in the opposite direction if she pleases. Commands can include different kinds of steps: baby steps, giant steps, spinning steps, etc. Play continues until a player reaches “Mother,” tags him or her, becoming the new “Mother” and play resumes.
    One person is “It” (i.e., the “traffic light” who stands apart from other players, facing them). When “It” calls out, “Green light!” he turns away from the players and the players start moving toward him. They have to stop when he whirls around and cries, “Red light!” All players must remain frozen until the green light is given again. Play continues until someone reaches “It” and tags him. The winner becomes the new “It” and play resumes again.
    Print a nature scavenger hunt downloaded from the internet for each player. Head outside and have each player look for each item on the sheet, checking it off as they go. First player to check all the boxes wins! Download from freekidscrafts.com.
  4. “Simon Says” – Add a spin to this traditional game with themed instructions based on what your child is “into” right now.  
  5. Tag – Plain and simple, run fast and no tag backs.  
  6. Nature Scavenger Hunt – Create your own backyard scavenger hunt board and get to exploring. For an extended project, create a nature collage using your findings. 
  7. Bubbles – Bubbles are always fun, but to add more gross motor skills, have the family play Bubble Ninja and see who can swipe through the most bubbles during their turn.  
  8. Follow the Leader – Hop, crawl, “swim,” dance and get silly with this listen to directions, gross motor game.
  9. Hopscotch – Draw a simple hopscotch board and get to playing! Many kids have never played this game and it is great for practicing balance.  
  10. Nature Tic-Tac-Toe – Grab some chalk and draw a tic-tac-toe board, search for sticks and stones as game pieces and get to playing!  
  11. Hide and Seek – Family members can hide, or make the game even trickier by hiding small items around the yard.  
  12. Four Square – If you have four people in your family, this is a fun recess game to try out. Teach your kids all about “popcorn,” “tea parties,” or even create some new moves of your own! 


Have your own outside movie night! Fun Flicks Outdoor Movies rents screens and projectors for home use and more. Call 330-904-6062 or visit funflicks.com/ohio-outdoor-movies to learn more.




This article was originally published in March 2025.