We gathered some of our favorite items to help kickstart your new organized life with a new baby!
LUXE SHOPPING CART COVER | shop.boppy.com | $40
If you must take Baby to the grocery store, protect him from germs. This cover also has a large storage pocket

CHANGE-IN-POD | chebebe.com | $149.99
This all-in-one changing station makes it easy to clean Baby. It includes a built-in pad, a handy compartment for accessories, and it’s dishwasher safe! Available on Kickstarter for a discount at kck.st/2RmW4gu.

THE KEEPSIE | thekeepsie.com | $7.95
Here’s a one-of-a-kind pacifier holder that works with all kinds of pacifiers to keep them clean and germ-free! The Keepsie can attach to a Wubbanub or a paci with a silicone protrusion. Chemical and toxin-free; FDA food safe.

STICKER KID | stickerkid.com | $8.95+
Water-resistant labels keep Baby and kids’ items organized. Customize name labels, shoe labels, tags, iron-on labels, book labels and more. Dishwasher, laundry, microwave and freezer-safe. Allergy labels and value packs available, too.

DIAPER BACKPACK | humble-bee.com | $64.98+
A must-have bag for busy parents, this light-weight, well-padded carrier has plenty of space for Baby’s gear and your’s. Water resistant and machine washable.

SOPHIE BAG | babybenjamin.com | $49.95
Designed to move the way you move, wear the Sophie Bag as a backpack or use the carry strap. Water resistant, an insulated front pocket makes it extra handy.

Whether you’re a slow walker, quick stroller or runner, this sturdy stroller has you covered. Baby glides comfortably and is protected from the sun.

DRY BABY | mydrybaby.com | $23.99 (bodysuit)
are messy! The clothes pictured above feature water- stain- and
odor-repellent materials. The soft cotton lets liquids simply roll off
the fabric and baby. Machine washable.

HUGGS CONTOUR | abiie.com | $129
Keep Baby comfy in a healthy sitting position when you’re on-the-go. Works for little ones up to 45 pounds.