My daughter has been begging to get back into gymnastics. She has always been a bull in a china shop and thoroughly enjoys the deep impact of gymnastics on her muscles and joints. I finally gave in and signed her up for classes at Perfection Gymnastics School in West Chester. For the past few months she has been working hard to improve her skills and strengthen her body. She reminds me a lot of myself growing up and randomly doing gymnastics skills around the house. It looks like she enjoys it as much as I used to!

Perfection recently put on their annual showcase which was open to gymnasts enrolled in a class there. I signed my daughter up and paid the fee for her to participate. The fee included a new leotard and a t-shirt. She practiced and practiced her routines and on the day of she was nervous, but ready to go.

The showcase ran JUST like a gymnastics meet. Someone sang the National Anthem, they broke into 4 groups and began rotating through the events. While watching the showcase, my mind kept returning to the great lessons my daughter was learning participating in the showcase. First off, my daughter was nervous to perform in front of so many people, but she stood tall and performed and overcame her anxiety. The participants also practiced waiting (a good life skill) and cheering on the gymnasts in their group. While rotating through the events, my daughter experienced how a real meet is run, so if she ever participates in a true gymnastics meet, she will likely be less nervous. Each participant earned a ribbon at each event and at the end of the showcase earned a medal!

The showcase was a gymnastics meet, but without the scoring, it was a great experience for my daughter. My husband, son, and I enjoyed cheering her on. I was caught by my husband and son being “that mom” sneaking over to the mats to snap a pic of my daughter. It was so fun to watch her enjoy gymnastics as much as I did. After this positive experience, you better bet I am counting down the days until next year’s showcase.

Perfection Gymmastics

5637 Union Centre Dr., Liberty Township

513-860-3351 or

Find more gymnastics programs here!


This article was originally published in March 2025.