“Fall is almost here, which means it’s time to get into the spooky spirit. Between, costumes, carving pumpkins, trick or treating and more, the Halloween season is the perfect time to put on our creative hats and use our imaginations.” -Tierra Encantada

Here are some fun and easy crafts you can do at home with minimal materials:

Spider Webs


  • Mini marshmallows
  • Toothpicks
  • Spiders and other decorations (optional)


Allow your little one to create a spider web out of toothpicks and marshmallows. Start at the middle and work your way out!

(Craft from Tierra Encantada)

Paint Sample Jack-o-lanterns:


  • Paint samples in orange, green, brown and black
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Card stock 


Let your child practice their scissor skills by snipping paint samples. Glue paint samples in the shape of a circle. Add stem, leaves, and a face.

(Photo provided by Lakota Schools)

Fall Tree


  • Paper/canvas
  • Painters/masking tape
  • Washable paints


Place tape in a tree shape on paper/canvas. Paint using fall colors. Carefully remove paint. Let painting dry.

(Photo provided by Lakota Schools)

Fall Tree #2


  • Paper
  • Chalk
  • Paint
  • Glitter
  • Pencil
  • Glitter


Draw a tree with chalk on a piece of black cardstock/paper. Dip the pencil eraser in paint and add “leaves to the tree,” then add glitter to the leaves and then shake off the access glitter. Let dry 😊 

Here are some more fabulous fall crafts we love from Tierra Encantada!

“Tierra Encantada, the leader in Spanish Immersion Early Education created some spook-tacular activities that are wickedly fun and can be made using supplies straight from home.” 

Halloween Crystals

Halloween Crystals


  • 3 cups of water,
  • 1 cup of Borax
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Clear jars or cups
  • String
  • A stick to hold up your creation (a pen, popsicle, stick, etc.)


Boil your water. Add Borax and stir periodically until completely dissolved. Set aside to cool slightly. While the water/borax combination is cooling, make your Halloween shapes out of pipe cleaners. You can do this from memory, by outlining cooking cutters, or following the edges of a piece of paper you stenciled. Tie a piece of string to the top of your creation. Pour the water combination into your jars. Put the pipe cleaner shape into the filled jar leaving the string outside of the water, and then tie the string to your stick. Keep in a safe location for 1-2 days and watch as your pipe cleaner grows crystals!

Spooky Plate Masks


  • Paper plate
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
  • Other craft supplies to decorate (optional)


Cut the plate in half. Use your paint and other supplies to decorate and let dry. Use the construction paper to cut out eyes, teeth, and other appendages. You can also use a large hole punch to cut our eye holes so you can wear your mask!

(Crafts provided by Tierra Encantada)



This article was originally published in March 2025.