Fall is my favorite season. There are so many fun activities to do! One activity I enjoy doing with my son is crafting- especially on rainy days. 

Pine Cone Bird Feeder

My son made this craft last year in preschool and he loved hanging it on our tree and watching the birds. This craft is great for all ages!

What you need:

  • Pine cone
  • Peanut butter
  • String
  • Birdseed
  • Bowl
  • Plate
  • Scissors

Instructions: Scoop peanut butter into a bowl, pour birdseed into a separate bowl, cut and tie a string around the pine cone, roll the pine cone in the peanut butter, roll the pine cone in birdseed and lay it on a plate until it is ready to be hung on a tree.

Food Painting

This craft is great for all ages! Food play is a staple in my household because of my son’s sensory needs. I like to show my son the different patterns the apple and corn make with paint and show him that food can be fun!

What you need:

  • Apple (cut in half) or Corn on the cob
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Paper
  • Plate

Instructions: Squirt paint onto a plate, use the paintbrush to paint half of an apple or an ear of corn, stamp the apple or roll the ear of corn onto a piece of paper and create a masterpiece!

Leaf Art

Another simple craft great for all ages- leaf art! What different kinds of leaves can you find?

What you need:

  • Leaves
  • Paper
  • Crayons

Instructions: Collect different leaves outside, place leaves on a table, place a white piece of paper on top of the leaves, rub a crayon over the paper and reveal a colorful leaf pattern!

Feather Letter Turkeys

This craft is a fun way to teach your child his or her name! To simplify this craft for younger children, pre-cut the pieces and write the letters on the feathers and have the child help glue the pieces onto the turkey.

What you need:

  • Paper plate
  • Construction paper (red, orange, brown)
  • Googly eyes
  • Brown crayon
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Instructions: Color the paper plate with the brown crayon; cut the feet, bill, gobbler and attach with glue; attach the googly eyes; cut the feathers out of construction paper; write each letter on a feather with a marker; glue the feathers in order to the back of the paper plate.

Source: growingbookbybook.com by Jodie Rodriguez.

Fall Colored Cereal Tree

I love this craft. It’s tasty and a great way to work on fine motor skills and color sorting!

What you need:

  • Fruit Loops
  • Construction paper (brown and blue)
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Instructions: Cut rectangles out of the brown construction paper to make a tree, glue the pieces onto the blue construction paper, sort the Fruit Loops by colors and glue the fall-colored Fruit Loops onto the branches of the tree.

If food allergies are a concern, use buttons or pom-poms.

Source: 123homeschool4me.com by Beth Gorden.

My Skeleton Craft

This craft is appropriate for preschoolers and kindergartners (though my four-year-old son still needs assistance). After the craft is completed, take the opportunity to teach body parts. I like to sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” with my son!

What you need:

  • Picture of child’s face
  • Q-tips
  • Black construction paper 
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Instructions: Cut the picture of child’s face in a small circle, glue the picture onto the construction paper, cut pieces of Q-tips and glue them on the paper to resemble a skeleton.

Source: mrsplemonskindergarten.com by Jessica Plemons.

Melted Crayon Pumpkin

Do you have broken crayons lying around the house and you are not sure what to do with them? Instead of throwing the broken crayons away, use them for this craft! It makes a cute fall decoration.

What you need:

  • Pumpkin
  • Crayons
  • Tacky/craft glue
  • Hair dryer 
  • Garbage bag

Instructions: Place a garbage bag on the table (or something to catch the mess); remove the paper from the broken crayons; glue the crayons around the top of the pumpkin; when the glue dries, use the hair dryer on low to melt the crayons.

Source: colormadehappy.com by Samantha Sarles.

Writer’s Note: Crafts can be a challenge for my four-year-old son. He has a delay in fine motor skills, receptive/expressive language delay and sensory needs. To make crafts less challenging, I set out all the supplies and place him in a toddler high chair so he is sitting at table height and has the appropriate posture. I let him explore the supplies so he is more receptive to the craft. If a craft involves scissors, I cut the pieces beforehand and let him use child-friendly scissors with supervision to cut small strips so he is still practicing scissor skills. Most crafts are hand-over-hand assistance until he can learn the age-appropriate grasp needed for coloring or writing. He does a great job at gluing and pasting objects such as the Fruit Loops or Q-tips needed for the above crafts which work on his fine motor skills. If a craft involves paint or anything messy, I always make sure I have wipes next to my son so he can clean his hands right away to avoid a sensory meltdown. Parents, if your child has needs that make crafts challenging, you are not alone. Slowly start introducing simple crafts and exploring with your child what tips and tricks work for him or her!

This article was originally published in March 2025.