(Feature photo by Tina Pratt)
Try one of these fun, easy crafts with your kids on a rainy, or hot day!
Jell-O Playdoh
You will need:
- 1 cup white flour
- 1 cup warm water
- 2 tablespoons of salt
- 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
- 1, 3 ounce pack of Jell-O
Instructions: Mix all ingredients in a medium saucepan and cook over medium-heat stirring continuously. It is ready when you can’t stir anymore. modernparentsmessykids.com/play-dough
Craft recipe from from Modern Parents Messy Kids – “This play dough comes out in beautiful, soft shades, smells delicious, and feels the closest to store bought Play Doh of all the recipes we’ve tried.”
Marshmallow Shooter
You will need:
- Plastic cup
- Balloon
- Marshmallows or pom poms
- Scissors
Instructions: Cut the top of the cup, tie a knot in the balloon and put it over the cup, put in the marshmallow or pom poms, pull back the knot and shoot! thriftyfun.com/Making-a-Plastic-Cup-Marshmallow-Shooter.html
Craft by Thrifty Fun – “This project is unbelievably cheap and simple. Children love this toy and older children can make it themselves. It is especially good because there is no glue and no sewing involved.”
Painted Rocks
Paint some rocks and label the back with “Cincinnati Rocks on fb” and have your kids place the rock(s) in a public place for someone to find. Follow the Facebook page “Cincinnati Rocks” to see when your rocks are discovered!
You will need:
- Rocks
- Acrylic paint
- Paint brushes
- Mod Podge
Instructions: Wash rocks thoroughly with hot water, let rocks dry, paint designs with acrylic paint and paint brushes, once dry add “Cincinnati Rocks on fb” to the back, use Mod Podge to seal one side of the rock (let dry) and then seal the other side of the rock. paintedrocklife.com/index.php/2017/04/13/how-rock-painting-works
Craft from Painted Rock Life
Plastic Bottle Bracelets

Instead of recycling your used plastic water bottle, upcycle into bracelets with some thread or yarn while strengthening your kids fine motor skills!
You will need:
- Plastic bottle – rinsed and dried
- Scissors
- Thread or yarn
Instructions: Cut the water bottle into rings of plastic. Take your thread or yarn and loop it around the ring over and over until the ring is covered. If you want to change colors, simply tie the second color to the first color and voila! krokotak.com/2015/02/bracelets-from-empty-plastic-bottle
Craft from Krokotak
Window Art
Turn a Dollar Tree frame into a beautiful faux “stained glass” work of art.
You will need:
- Glass frame
- Glitter Glue
- Toothpicks or paintbrushes
- Food coloring
- Rubber gloves if you do not want food coloring staining hands
Instructions: Place your frame so you are painting the back side of the glass, have your child squirt glue on the frame, add one drop of food coloring at a time to different parts of the frame, take a toothpick to blend the colors and the glue, when happy let it dry overnight. smartschoolhouse.com/diy-crafts/stained-glass-art
Craft from Bitz and Giggles
Have fun and share your pics of your fabulous projects!