The Chicco Fit4 4-in-1 Convertible Car Seat is perfect from day one through year 10!
Spring is right around the corner. With its arrival also comes sunshine-y afternoons, days spent playing outside, flowers blooming and maybe even some spring cleaning.

During a recent sunshine-y morning, I decided to do some spring cleaning – it was me versus my van. With three kids in two schools, and staggered drop-offs and pick-ups, it is a year we are spending lots of time in the van. I pack books, we watch DVD’s … and yes, we are a family that eats in the van. On this cleaning occasion, I feverishly cleaned my van before darting off to kindergarten pick-up. I Lysol-wiped every surface I could,and even swept out every last Goldfish!
That is, when I looked under my son’s car seat – it was … disgusting. Crummy remnants from snacks-past littered the seat. I looked at our car seat which was sitting in our driveway, stained and sad looking. This was our primary car seat for several kids over many years, and this poor seat looked beat. It was time for a change. It was time for an upgrade!
The Chicco Fit4 4-in-1 Convertible Car Seat is an easy to install car seat that grows with kids all the way from infancy to when they are a big kid! From birth to age 10, your child will love the comfort and style of this car seat. And you will love the ease of installation – there is a QR code on the side of the seat that leads to mobile installation videos for each of the four stages. The seat has flexible cup holders for sippy cups or snacks and the material is so easy to spot clean! If you have more than one kiddo, you will adore how slim this seat is, you CAN fit three across one row.

While the seat was super easy to install, I wanted to make sure it was done right. With the staggering statistic that 59 percent of car seats are not installed correctly (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), I don’t think a double check is silly. It is always a good idea to get your car seat inspected – call your local fire station to see if they have a car seat expert on staff. During our inspection appointment, our expert, who has undergone some serious training, loved how sturdy the Chicco Fit4 was, that it had DuoGuard side impact protection and she was also impressed with how well my husband had done installing it. He credited the installation videos with his success. The fact that a certified car seat installation expert really liked our new Chicco Fit4 car seat made me feel confident in its safety!
Whether you are purchasing a car seat for baby or beyond, this is the seat to buy! It is a high quality, safety-first, user-friendly seat that will grow with your child, eliminating the need to buy multiple car seats over the years.

If you are doing some spring cleaning and want to upgrade your car seat to something lasting and high quality, be sure to check out the Chicco Fit4 4-in-1! It will be the first and last car seat your child will ever need.

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