“The essential items that babies need are a rear facing car seat and a crib,” says Nicole Lagedrost, clinical nurse manager, family birth place at Fort Hamilton Hospital. “We encourage exclusive breastfeeding as the baby’s main source of nutrition. Babies also need clothing and diapers as well as a pediatrician to keep them warm, dry and well.”

DockATot Deluxe+ Dock; dockatot.com/collections/deluxe-plus; $195.00
The Deluxe+ dock is the ultimate Stage 1 docking station for your baby ages 0-8 months old. Multifunctional and multitasking, offers a safe and comfy spot that lets baby rest, lounge, play, cuddle, do tummy time and get diaper changes. This comfy bed is also lightweight, portable and easy to travel with! Choose the pattern that best fits your style. Made with filling materials sourced from world-leading suppliers with hygienic and non-toxic properties. Check out Associate Editor, Amanda Ciani’s, personal experience with DockaTot here.

bblüv Rinö Battery Operated Nasal Aspirator; bbluvgroup.com/product/bbluv-rino-battery-operated-nasal-aspirator/; $49.99
Safely cleans baby’s nose in less than a minute effectively and gently. It provides a unique gentle continuous suction not available on manual aspirators and it also has a large, transparent leak-proof collection cup. Easy to clean (does not require filters), it helps limit the transmission of viruses.

bblüv Termö 4 in 1 Digital Thermometer; bbluvgroup.com/product/termo; $49.99
A precise, non-contact way to quickly and accurately check baby’s temperature. Check baby’s forehead for a temperature, or you can use it to make sure milk or even the bath are safe for baby! It’s different temperature zones will alert you with colors: normal (green), slight fever (orange) or high fever (red) and will alert you if the temperature exceeds normal.

Eco-friendly, dye-free baby clothes, Finn + Emma; finnandemma.com
Baby’s have sensitive skin, so it’s important to use natural laundry detergents and dye-free, comfortable clothing that is easy on their soft baby skin. Finn + Emma has clothing items that are 100 percent organic, adorable and comfy for baby to move and grow in. Their soft Wildflowers and Clouds collections include soft and cuddly rompers, onesies, shirts, pants and more all from local moms and businesses.
Healthy Baby Snacks
Once baby is ready to start exploring snacks, here are some easy, healthy, on-the-go and snacks to help make baby happy, and mommy, too! Happy Family Organics has a variety of items for baby, tots and kids to add healthy, diverse on-the-go snacks to their little diets!

Happy Baby Organics Superfood Puffs – Many companies make healthy snack varieties to introduce baby to new foods. Happy Baby Organics has yummy and nutrient-rich puff flavors such as kale and spinach; and strawberry and beet!

Happy Kid Organics Apple Cinnamon Fruit and Oat Bars – Whole grain oats, milled flaxseed, organic fruits and a dash of cinnamon combine for a satisfying snack that helps keep your kiddo’s engine running.

Super Smart Multigrain Alphabet snacks – Delicious and healthy, these little on-the-go snacks have a variety of flavors including cinnamon and sweet potato to introduce a variety of flavors to their tiny taste buds.

Twist pouches (apple, kale and mango) – These little pouches come in flavors such as apple, kale and mango. Baby can get a boost of nutrients in one little pouch!