Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Our kids have been trying to master this word ever since they left the production of Mary Poppins by The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati at the Taft Theatre. They have never heard of Mary Poppins until this weekend and they loved the story of how she can make everyday tasks magical and exciting.

The singing and dancing was amazing and the kids were laughing and clapping along to the songs. They couldn’t believe that Mary Poppins could fly across the stage with her umbrella, they kept asking if she was a witch and went to Hogwarts. We clearly watch too much Harry Potter.

Mary Poppins is practically perfect in every way and we had a practically perfect time at the Taft Theatre watching the production. On the way home the kids were asking about the movie so we rented it so they could compare and contrast it to the play. My kids were blown away. It was really fun to watch the kids in amazement as Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrews blended animation and film together. It was also fun to watch the movie that we haven’t seen in years but fell in love with again after so long. The same songs are catchy as ever and the kids kept us entertained with renditions of “A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down.”

The Children’s Theatre will presents Mary Poppins at the Taft Theatre next weekend 4/13-4/15, visit for more information.

This article was originally published in March 2025.