We love the fresh new blooms, sunshine and outdoor fun that the new season is bringing. Enjoy all of these spring activities for kids!
Eden Park

Explore the Parks

Mark these special dates in bold on your calendar! Our fantastic park systems have all sorts of events from night hikes to story times to space exploration events:
Great Parks; greatparks.org
Featured events: April 1, Story time in the Garden and Earth Day happenings; April 18, Easter Egg Drop; April 26, Spring Family Night Hike
Clermont County Park District; clermontparks.org
Featured events: TBD, Salamander Excursion and Nature Play Days 
Cincinnati Nature Center; cincynature.org
Featured events: April 2, Make a Hiking Stick; April 16, Wildflower Walk
Metro Parks of Butler County; yourmetroparks.net
Featured Events: Saturday. April 2, 12 – 3 p.m. Daylight Egg Hunt at Elk Creek MetroPark (Sebald Park 5580 Elk Creek Road Middletown, Oh – Shelters 10 & 11); April 3, 2 – 3 p.m., Show and Tell on the Farm – Leaping Lambs at Chrisholm MetroPark Historic Farmstead (2070 Woodsdale Road Trenton, Oh); April 16, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Let’s Go Hiking at Harbin Park, 1300 Hunter Road, Fairfield, Oh).
Warren County Park District; co.warren.oh.us/parks/GenInfo.aspx
Zoo Blooms at the zoo!

Educational Fun

Raptor, Inc.; raptorinc.org
Learn about local birds that Raptors Inc. rescues and rehabilitates.
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden; cincinnatizoo.org
Spring has sprung at the zoo! Rides are back in action, animal feedings, baby animals, tulips in full bloom and more to explore!

Go on a Story Walk

Read a story and get some exercise with the kids! Here are a few to get you started:
Symmes Township StoryWalk
Follow a series of signs displaying pages of a children’s book. Follow the story as you walk along the trail; it is a great way to keep your body and brain active and healthy!
Blue Ash Nature Park Story Walk
Immerse yourself in books and the outdoors as Blue Ash Recreation presents StoryWalk at the Nature Park, 4337 Cooper Road.
Carter Park StoryWalk
The Carter Park StoryWalk is a semi-permanent installation. Permanent sign holders were installed along the paved pathway. The signs are interchangeable so that books may be rotated.
LaBoiteaux Woods StoryWalk
LaBoiteaux Woods StoryWalk Series! In April & May this StoryWalk will be, “It Takes a Village” written by Hillary Rodham Clinton & illustrated by Marla Frazee at 5400 Lanius Lane, Cincinnati, Oh.

Take a Hike!

This weather calls for a refreshing family hike! Luckily there are tons of kid-friendly trails throughout Cincinnati.
Creeking at Butler County MetroParks

Explore a Creek

Sharon Woods Gorge State Nature Preserve; ohiodnr.gov/go-and-do/plan-a-visit/find-a-property/sharon-woods-gorge-state-nature-preserve
The 90-foot cliff of the gorge of Sharon Creek found in this preserve is the best spot to hunt for fossils and explore our beautiful city!
Pioneer Park; montgomeryohio.gov/pioneer-park
Located across from Dulle Park, Pioneer Park is the most natural and interactive park in the Montgomery Park System.
Symmes Township Parks, Nature Preserves and Trails; symmestownship.org/departments/parks-5/parks-6
Features an abundance of trails and parks to explore including walking trails and plenty of opportunities to explore fossils.
Trammel Fossil Park; sharonville.org/188/Trammel-Fossil-Park
Trammel Fossil Park is one of the best spots to dig for fossils in the Cincinnati area plus it’s safe and accessible.Kids love to discover the plethora of fossils in tip-top condition.

Play Some Disc Golf

Learn a new skill together at one of the main courses around town.

Great Parks; greatparks.org/recreation/disc-golf
Find a 9-Hole Courses at Miami Whitewater Forest and Embshoff Woods; and 18-Hole Courses at Winton Woods and Woodland Mound
Harbin Park; fairfield-city.org/facilities/facility/details/Harbin-Park-Disc-Golf-Course-17
Features an 18-hole course.
Reserves Park; liberty-dtownship.com/401/Disc-Golf-Course
Now home to a new 9-hole Disc Golf Association accredited course.
Summit Park Playscape

Head to a PlayScape

If you want to switch up the routine a bit, why not try out one of these unique, local playscapes? What is it? A nature playscape utilizes the earth’s elements and natural building materials to influence unstructured play in a secure and nontraditional environment. Explore and enjoy with the kids.

Armco Park Natural Playscape

The Nature PlayScape at Cincinnati Nature Center

Summit Park Nature Playscape

Catch a Spring Flick at the Drive-IN

Star Lite Drive-In; starlitedriveinohio.com/index.html
Holiday Auto Theatre; holidayautotheatre.com
Dixie Twin Drive-In; dixietwin.com

Hollywood Drive-In; hollywooddriveintheater.com


Need some more ideas? We’ve got you covered!

  • Check out your local library for special spring programming  
  • See a high school play 
  • Try a new ice cream shop 
  • Bike on the Loveland bike trail 
  • Go to a dog park 
  • Treasure hunt at local garage sales 
  • Go to an Easter egg hunt 
  • Camp in your backyard 
  • Shop local at a local farmers market



This article was originally published in March 2025.