All kids should experience the arts! That’s what the JumpStart Theatre program (facilitated by The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati) is all about. JumpStart creates sustainable theater arts programs in middle schools where there previously were none.
For 2020, TCT chose Bellevue Middle School, St. Bernard Elmwood Place Schools and Pleasant Ridge Montessori for the three-year partnership with JumpStart. Each school will receive services and materials valued at $12,000 in the form of training, mentoring and production support for a community show. Three teachers from each school will be trained to develop and manage a musical theatre program — a lasting and impactful program for both the schools and the students they serve.
TCT is currently accepting middle school applications for the 20-21 school year. To learn more about the JumpStart Theatre Program, visit
(Featured Photo: from the 2019 JumpStart Showcase at the Taft Theatre. Photo by Mikki Schaffner. Each school wore a different color T-shirt: Aiken New Tech High School – Cherry Red; Finneytown Middle School – Lime green; Gamble Montessori High School – Purple; Dater High School – Gold; Felicity Franklin Middle School – Texas Orange; Holmes Middle School – Heliconia (Magenta); Clark Montessori High School – Kelly Green; Oyler School – Sapphire Blue.)