Raising a puppy is similar to having a new baby in the family. It takes a lot of time, patience, energy and love … but doggone it, the rewards are countless!

Full2166.jpgMy first best friend in life was Spot, a delightful beagle mix. He was a constant companion, always ready for an adventure. Whether he was accompanying me on a search for alien life forms in the woodsy “back 40” behind our house, chasing me on my Big Wheel, playing tug-of-war with Stretch Armstrong or keeping up with my “bionic” legs during covert missions from the Office of Scientific Intelligence, Spot was more than a mere pet. He was a big part of my family’s unit.

The bond between humans and dogs is immeasurable. Always aiming to please, dogs bring an unparalleled amount of joy, laughter and overall good times to any household. Perhaps you are considering the addition of a puppy to your family. If that is the case, there are several things to consider in order to make the most of the relationship.

Before You Embark on the Puppy Quest

There’s nothing cuter than a picture of a toddler cuddling with a puppy, but most animal experts recommend waiting until your child is older before bringing a pup into the family.

Animal trainer and host of SuperTalk WTN’s “Pet Talk” Harrison Forbes says puppies and babies are never a good mix, and he doesn’t recommend a puppy for any home with children younger than 4 years old.

“Young kids are not able to understand the needs for gentle handling, and pups will teethe and chew and can accidentally injure a small child,” Forbes says. “The old notion of ‘raising them together’ for a better bond has no scientific basis, and often an adult dog will take on the role of protector, while a pup with a small child may develop sibling rivalry.” So what’s the “best” age to bring a puppy home?

“There’s a lot of disagreement about this,” says Micki Gorman, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Puppies (Alpha, $16.95). “Some say wait until the kids are 6, some say 10. I usually recommend between the ages of 7 – 9.”

Make sure your family is truly ready for the commitment of dog ownership. Treat the purchase of your family dog like you would a new car purchase. Do your research, make sure you can afford it, and be ready to take on the responsibility – and that’s a sticky point. A common mistake parents make is getting a dog with the hope of instilling responsibility in their children. The fact is during a dog’s 10 – 15 year lifespan, a child will go through a myriad of growth and development phases, and, in most cases, his involvement with the dog will wax and wane.

“Don’t expect the kids to take on the responsibility,” says Gorman. “If parents are thinking about getting a dog, they need to realize it is their responsibility to care for it.”

How Much is That Doggie in the Window?

The purchase price for puppies ranges from free-to-a-good-home in the newspaper to $75 – $100 at a shelter to $50 – $2,500 for purebreds, but that’s just the initial fee. Puppies require a series of vaccinations during their first 16 weeks of life, and at 6 months old they should be spayed or neutered, all of which can easily add up to $350. Throw into the mix food, bedding, toys, treats, grooming supplies, monthly heartworm prevention, flea/tick treatments, etc. and the price of your puppy adds up really fast.

“A new study was just published that estimated the average price spent on a dog in its lifetime is a staggering $17,000,” says Forbes.

Picking the Right Puppy

This is not the time to impulse buy. Successfully picking the right puppy takes a lot more than falling in love with a pretty face – although many dog owners claim love-at-first-sight as a truism.

Analyze your family’s lifestyle. Are you active, homebodies or somewhere in between? Make sure you find a breed that fits your family’s activity level. Dogs that require a lot of activity match up well with outdoorsy, active families. Determine how much time you have each day for devoting time to your furry friend’s needs. Some breeds require daily grooming while others only need a weekly brushing. Dogs need to be exercised daily as well.

“Most people don’t do enough research about breeds,” says Gorman, adding that she’s seen a lot of instances where “couch potatoes” get a lab, and within a few months or less, the dog ends up at a rescue shelter.

There are numerous books, magazines and on-line resources to help you get started. The Dog Owner’s Guide (canismajor.com/dog) and Pet Place (petplace.com) are excellent Web resources offering in-depth details of many different breeds, including history and origin, appearance and size, personality, home and family relations, trainability and grooming requirements.

If you are interested in a purebred, contact a reputable breeder and interview him about breed-specific details. The American Kennel Club (AKC) offers a breeder referral services on their Web site, akc.org.

“While breeds have certain predictable characteristics, there is always the full spectrum of temperaments within any breed,” says Forbes. “Parental genetics are the best predictor. It is always best to see and ask questions about the parents – their good points and problems.”

Gorman recommends that potential owners only deal with breeders registered with the AKC. “There are breeders out there who sell their puppies with papers, but there are a lot of phony registries out there,” she warns. “The AKC is the only legitimate registry. It’s important to find a breeder who breeds for health and disposition first and foremost.”

You may also consider a mixed breed. According to Forbes, mixed breeds usually offer fewer instances of genetic defects, and they have a general heartiness about them, not to mention the public service of adopting a homeless pet.

Whichever route you go, involve the kids in the research. It can be a great educational opportunity for them, and a good way to help establish the bond between your children and the pup.

“The easiest and best way to introduce your puppy into your family is to make your kids a part of the whole process of researching, understanding and selecting a puppy right from the beginning,” says Gorman. “Have them go with you to the breeder or shelter, let them interact with the animals and see how the puppy responds to them.”


Training Your Kids

Just as you’ll set boundaries for your puppy, don’t forget to go over a few do’s and don’ts with the kids. According to Gorman, here are the basic rules of thumb:

  • Be nice to the puppy. Never kick, hit or tease him. Don’t pull his tail or yank on his ears. Dogs will lash out if provoked or hurt.
  • Encourage your kids to speak in a calm, normal voice around the pup.
  • Don’t kiss or hug the puppy until he gets to know your family. Even though people show affection by kissing and hugging, in the canine world, it can be perceived as threatening.
  • Don’t chase the puppy if he walks away. Dogs need to have some downtime, too. Your puppy needs to be able to rest without being disturbed.
  • Leave the puppy alone when he’s sleeping and eating.
  • Teach your kids that only one person should touch the puppy at a time. A puppy can get completely overwhelmed if a bunch of kids descend on him at once, and an anxious dog could bite.

Housetraining 101

No doubt about it. Housetraining is the one dreaded aspect about bringing home a puppy. But it doesn’t have to be. Consistency is the key.

As soon as you bring Puppy home, you need to start the process. Feed your puppy on a consistent schedule at the same time every morning and evening. Do not leave food out all day for him. Once he’s finished eating, snap on his leash, and take him outside immediately to a particular area of your yard that has been designated as his potty zone.

Bennie Copeland, a local dog trainer and owner of Club Canine of Nashville, suggests giving the dog a command like “go potty” or “do your business” so he will learn to relieve himself under your control. Don’t play with him or pet him until after he relieves himself. If he doesn’t pee and poop within 10 minutes, bring him inside and put him in his crate for 10 – 15 minutes, then take him back out again to the same area and give him the potty command again. When he does relieve himself, give him an enthusiastic verbal praise like “Good potty!” or “Good boy!” followed by a hearty amount of petting and even a good belly rub. According to Copeland, dogs thrive on being touched by their owners, and positive reinforcement goes a long way with all areas of puppy training.

Heel … Sit … Come … Down … Good Boy!

The time and money spent in obedience training will pay huge dividends in the end. Making this investment will result in your family having a dog that is truly a joy to have around and one who understands his place in the family unit.

“Keep in mind that dogs are pack animals, and they need their expectations set so they can learn where they belong in your family,” says Copeland. “Training creates a better bond between the dog and family,” he adds.

You can buy books and videos that offer guidance, enroll your puppy in a group class at a local pet store or hire a private trainer.
The benefit to private instruction is that the trainer becomes familiar with your particular dog and can help you learn more about your dog’s breed instincts and temperament, giving you a truly personalized experience.

Like housebreaking, consistency is paramount when working with a dog’s obedience exercises.

“It generally takes 30 – 45 times being rewarded for good behavior for a dog to learn each of the commands,” Copeland says.
“Meet with two or three trainers and ask about their methods,” says Copeland. “Interview them and make sure you’re hiring someone that you are going to be comfortable working with.”

Whichever method you opt for, and even if you decide to train your pup by yourself, stay consistent and stick with it. Patience is important and will ultimately be the key to success.

“Too many people change training methods too quickly,” Copeland says. “They become frustrated within a couple of weeks if it seems like the dog isn’t learning, and then they switch to a different method and start over which only confuses the dog.”

Love Will Keep You Together

Love is the key to a great relationship with your family’s puppy. Dogs don’t ask for anything more than to be loved and played with, and the unconditional love they give in return truly makes them man’s best friend.

By Chad Young


Golden Retriever • Pembroke Welsh Corgi • West Highland White Terrier • Irish Setter • Schnauzer • Labrador Retriever • Poodle •
Bichon Frise • Airedale • Basset Hound • Beagle • Shih Tzu • Boxer • Cairn Terrier • Collie • Boston Terrier • Newfoundland • Pomeranian • Pug • Whippet

Source: petplace.com

This article was originally published in March 2025.