Calling all young artists! The Carnegie (1028 Scott Blvd., Covington) has opened registration for fall and early winter Scripps Howard ArtStop Artist Series Workshops for ages 7 – 12. Parents with children interested in hands-on art activities and performing on stage won’t want to miss these fun after-school classes which kick off in August and October!

Taught by local teaching artists, the workshops offer a wide range of arts classes throughout the year covering everything from dance, drama, music, visual art and more. Workshops offered during the fall/early winter sessions include:

Fall Workshops

Off the Page – Drama

Wednesdays, 4 – 5 p.m. Aug. 26 – Oct. 14

From the page to the stage, enjoy bringing a children’s book to life! Students will fill in the blanks between the lines of narration, as they add characters, backstories, dialogue and action to everyday children’s stories.

Class Fee: $20 per 8-week session


Open Scenes – Drama

Wednesdays 5 – 6 p.m. Aug. 26 – Oct. 14  NEW Later Class Time

The word “Hello” expresses very little without intention, vocal inflection, and body language. During this acting class, students will explore how a character’s backstory and motivation can vastly change a scene, even when the dialogue remains the same. They will practice character and scene analysis and non-verbal communication while performing the same scenes with very different storylines.

Class Fee: $20 per 8-week session


Wizardry 101: Elemental Vessels – Visual

Thursdays 4 – 5:30 p.m. Aug. 27 – Oct. 15

Fire, Water, Earth, Wind. What’s your element? Using clay, glaze, paint, decoupage, and more, students will design and create their own Elemental Vessel for containing their force of nature.

Class Fee: $30 per 8-week session


Early Winter Workshops

One Voice – Dance

Wednesdays 4 – 5 p.m. Oct. 21 – Dec. 16

Take a stand! Learn to communicate through dance how one voice has the power to move the hearts and bodies of others. Through individual and group dance movements, students will express what they stand for on our journey to extend the promise of freedom, equality and justice for all.

Class Fee: $20 per 8-week session


Nooks and Crannies: A Dance Video – Dance/Video

Wednesdays 5 – 6 p.m. Oct. 21 – Dec. 16  NEW Later Class Time

What secrets are held within the Carnegie’s 113-year-old building? Create a dance video designed to share the story of The Carnegie, using history, architecture, imagination and our bodies. Be prepared to explore the nooks and crannies of this unique space in order to uncover its wonder.

Class Fee: $20 per 8-week session


Uncharted Territories – Visual

Thursdays 4 – 5:30 p.m. Oct. 22 – Dec. 17

From charting the New World, to Tolkien’s Middle Earth, to deep sea and space exploration, maps are guides to the undiscovered. In this class, students will use map-making as artistic expression. Using a variety of 2-d and 3-d materials, students will be invited to make maps of reality, fantasy, and imagination.

Class Fee: $30 per 8-week session

New for 2015, The Carnegie has added a later class on Wednesdays. Workshops are open to ages 7 – 12, and take place once a week for eight weeks. All workshops end with a culminating experience for friends and family.

Scripps Howard ArtStop Artist Series workshops take place in The Carnegie’s Eva G. Farris Education Center. Cost to participate varies based on workshop. Participants registering for more than one workshop per quarter will receive a $10 discount. Class size is limited and registration is required. To register, contact Jess Picado at 859-491-2030 or by email at

The Scripps Howard ArtStop Artist Series is sponsored by the Scripps Howard Foundation. Additional support comes from ArtsWave, The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. /US Bank Foundation, Cincinnati International Wine Festival, The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Kentucky Arts Council, Kenton County Fiscal Courts and Suits That Rock. More information is available on The Carnegie’s website at

This article was originally published in March 2025.