The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati is proud to present a special preview of the world-premiere production, Snow White and the Dancing Dwarfs, for the families of Most Valuable Kids of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. (MVK) on Thursday, February 11, at the Taft Theatre.

MVK was co-founded by Sherri Jaffe Friedman while she was serving on the Board of Directors of The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati (TCT).  MVK  has since distributed over 100,000 tickets/experiences to deserving kids, including many TCT performances.

Live entertainment provides a source of positive inspiration for kids. MVK brings this inspiration, at no cost, to underserved kids in the community and does this by offering charitable children’s organizations access to sports and cultural events through an online ticket donation system.  MVK directly impacts more than 90 non-profit agencies in Greater Cincinnati that benefit at-risk kids in our community. MVK’s donated tickets and experiences are used as a reward for academic achievements, enhance social development and encourage kids to dream.

The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati’s Snow White and the Dancing Dwarfs performance at the Taft Theatre is unique because families will be seeing the final dress rehearsal before the show opens on February 12. TCT will have a staff member stationed on a microphone to explain the significance of any stops and starts during the rehearsal and share an exclusive look at what the cast and crew do to make a show come to life on stage. This affords the young audience an exciting opportunity to see unique “behind the scenes” elements of theater, creating a truly educational as well as entertaining evening for these children who, due to financial circumstance, would not have been able to see this performance at all without the TCT/MVK collaboration.

For more information on TCT, visit For details on MVK, visit

This article was originally published in March 2025.