A new storefront is opening Friday, September 28 at 10 a.m. in Rookwood Commons. Soft Surroundings is a luxurious multi-purpose store, perfect for busy moms. The grand opening celebration will be held from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and will include complimentary sweet treats and beauty treatments. Get there early, as the first 100 customers in line will recieve an amazing gift bag full of items valued at over $200!!!

Soft Surroundings is a one stop shop where you can browse racks filled with SUPER soft clothing, eye catching jewelry, beautiful bedding, unique decor and a wide array of beauty products. Even the furniture at Soft Surroundings is available for purchase through their catalogue, including free shipping to your home! And why exactly is it called “Soft”  Surroundings, you may be wondering? The clothing feels absolutely decadent on your skin; there is no longer the need to compromise fashion for comfort with the clothing at Soft Surroundings. Be sure to stop by the store this weekend to upgrade your fall wardrobe with high quality, high comfort, seriously soft items!




Soft Surroundings is located at Rookwood Commons

2671 Edmondson Road

Cincinnati, OH 45209

(513) 698-2400
