If you’re looking for some cool little games as stocking stuffers, here’s some that fit the bill. They may be small in size, but these games are big time fun.

Stocking stuffers are usually the last thing on our mind in our family. It’s usually my husband that runs out — last-minute no doubt — to fetch the things he has in mind. But, with a little help, this year you, too, can stay on top of the game. These games are small in size, but the fun you’ll have will be tremendous. Just give them a try. We’re sure you’ll like them.

Spot It! Numbers & Shapes

Ages 3 & older | Blue Orange | blueorangegames.com | $9.99

There are 31 one cards in this fast-paced game that will have your kid identifying numbers and shapes lickety split. You set the card face down in a pile and then turn two over. There is only ONE match for every two cards and the first one to spot the match wins. This is a great developmental game for learning numbers, shapes and colors. There’s also Spot It! Alphabet for quick letter matching. They both come in a cute little tin, too. For 2 – 6 players.

Ooga Booga

Ages 7 & older | Blue Orange | blueorangegames.com | $12.99

Deal out the number of cards per the instructions and set the rest back in the tin. This is a very, very silly game of memorization. The funny thing about it is that the words you’re reciting are cavemen words. You set your card down, say the word and then say “Ha!” after it. The next player sets a card down over yours covering only the word and must say his word, then yours, then “Ha!” and send it over to the next person. Wait for it … add in an action card and you’ll surely be laughing at all the cavemen in the room banging their fists, sticking out their tongue and more. For 3 – 6 players.

Monster Cafe:  A Terribly Tasty Card Game

Ages 8 & older | Gamewright | gamewright.com | $11.99

It may be a little difficult to understand at first, but once you do, you’ll have fun trying to collect these cards. The cards are monster themed and simply … disgusting. Which is funny for kids! LOL! From Eyeball Eater monster, Roadkill Eater monster and more … seating them at the right table is gross, seeming how they eat nasty things! For 2 – 4 players.

FLASH! The Lightning Fast Game!

Ages 7 & older | Blue Orange | blueorangegames.com | $14.99

Here’s another fast-paced game for kids. This dice game has players racing to complete eight challenges and try to get the most points. Roll and re-roll your dice until you complete the challenge set. Once you do, yell “Flash!” and snatch the highest scoring chip. Sit back and watch the others battle for the remaining scoring chips. Once everyone’s done with the challenge, score your points on the score sheet and move on to the next challenge. For 2 – 6 players.

This article was originally published in March 2025.