




Promoted by Shaw Farms


It’s another tasty recipe from Shaw Farms, this time some yummy green beans, ham and potatoes to get you ready for fall!

“This is a wonderful one pot meal, but the leftovers are the best part,” says Pam Shaw.  “Place in the crockpot on warm for another yummy meal or side on a busy day!  The more time you heat this up, the better it gets.  I double this recipe and eat it all week, often times sharing with all my great co-workers.”


  • 4 pounds green beans, stemmed and broken into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 10 – 12 medium new red potatoes
  • 1 – 1.5 pound cottage ham butt (available at Shaw Farms are tasty Troyer Cottage Hams), cubed
  • 2 – 4 cloves garlic minced (you may also use pre-minced or powdered)
  • 1 tbls. onion powder
  • handful of fresh basil, diced (dry will also work)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tbls. olive oil
  • 6 cups water


Saute onion and garlic in olive oil until transparent.  Add in ham and heat until frothy.  Add basil, onion powder and water.  bring to boil, stirring ingredients.  Place green beans in pot and bring back to boil (make sure beans are covered by at least an inch of water).  Turn heat down and simmer for at least two hours.  Season with salt and pepper as needed.  Drop potatoes in and cook for 30 – 45 minutes longer, or until potatoes are done.

Recipe and photo provided by Shaw Farms.  To learn more about all the fun to be had at the farm, located at 1737 OH 131 in Milford, call 513-575-2022 or visit

This article was originally published in March 2025.