Enjoy a day of FREE classes for ages 4 to adult on Saturday, December 6 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. during the 5th Annual Baker Hunt Saturday Sampler!

Sample over 25 different Winter Classes including Printmaking, Yoga, Pottery: wheel/handbuilt, Drawing, Animation, Manga/Cartooning, Photography, Yoga and Tai Chi, Creative Writing, Dance, Youth Guitar Jam, and much, much more! Apply for a youth scholarship, and enter a drawing to win free classes.

There will also be a FREE Pones Dance Workshop as part of the Saturday Sampler from 10:30 a.m. – noon. Pones Inc.’s Laboratory of Movement believes that dance is the perfect tool to merge creativity, problem-solving, and movement into one experience. In this workshop, students will be given the tools for building a dance (B.E.S.T.) and create, perform and respond to dance creations made in small groups. It’s one-half choreographed instruction and one-half personal exploration.

For a complete list of classes, visit bakerhunt.org or call 859-431-0200. The Baker Hunt Art & Cultural Center is located at 620 Greenup Street in Covington.

This article was originally published in March 2025.