“Run for a Reason” – another book I didn’t finish for book club. More laundry is piling up on the couch. That stack of mail is getting higher by the day and those phone calls I needed to make didn’t happen today. The list seems endless, and I can easily become negative when I think about all the things I cannot complete at this young kid phase of life. Yes, it is hard to accomplish basic household tasks and outside commitments are hard to keep. The upside? I get to build into my kids, and even if it doesn’t seem like much, I know that is way more important than the unfinished tasks that keep piling up.
Photos by Susie Dyson

With that being said, I have to be realistic about what I can and cannot do. I can pick up the basement each week, but I cannot clean baseboards. I can go out with my girlfriends on occasion, but I cannot be president of the neighborhood social committee. I can make dinner most nights, but it will probably involve a crockpot and some macaroni as a side. I can exercise, but I cannot consistently hit the gym at the same time each day.

It is important to me to be active. This helps me to physically be healthy but also mentally helps me get a break. Again, I have to realize my limits and prioritize. Running is something I have prioritized. Running is an easy way for me to get some personal time as well some exercise. I don’t need any fancy equipment or have to go far. It has been nice to connect with some ladies in the neighborhood and head out early – work and little kids requires it. Though initially hard, it is worth getting out of bed.

My brother-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer – a horrible disease. It was hard to be in the sidelines and know how to support my sister. Of course lots of prayers, but one thing I was able to do was run in his honor and raise money to help research developments. I set up a page with the Lustgarten Foundation. Running is a great way to support a cause.

It is fun to challenge myself sometimes and go beyond the daily run. Earlier this month, I ran the Flying Pig Half Marathon. It was good for me to have this personal challenge, and knowing my brother-in-law endured a lot of pain inspired me to push through during those early morning training sessions; I had to run at 4:45 a.m. to get my training in or it just wouldn’t happen. 

I really enjoyed myself – the weather was great and the crowds were supportive. There was plenty of water and Gatoraid stations. Traditionally this event is held in May, so great weather is to be expected! This was the 21st year for this event. There is so much more than just the marathon. My kids had a blast at the expo and there is a 5K, 10K, half and full marathon. Run the 5K, 10K, and half and make it a three way or join a relay team. The event is so well organized, too and supports many local charities.

Remember in High School when we were taught to have your attention-getter followed by your thesis? Well, mine is somewhere in the middle; you cannot do everything but pick something and go all out! While I am talking about running check out the Flying Pig Marathon and get register for 2020 at flyingpigmarathon.com.

This article was originally published in March 2025.