What can you do with a bunch of skipping stones you found in the creek. A LOT! But here’s one idea.

What You Need
Flat rocks from the creek bed
Silver paint
Paint brush
Lots of other bright colors of paint (or nail polish)

What You Do

  1. Gather  lots of flat rocks while you’re out enjoying a day of wading in the creek with your family. Dry them off on a paper towel.
  2. Spread the rocks out into groups to form a head and body.
  3. Paint each rock silver on one side and allow to dry completely. Once dry, turn them over and paint the other side.
  4. Take another color of paint (or nail polish like we used) and start painting geometric shapes on the bodies and make eyes, mouths, etc.
  5. Use a variety of colors to make your robots look great!
  6. Allow them to dry and then play with them. You can interchange their heads and bodies, too.



This article was originally published in March 2025.