You’re well into your pregnancy, and find that along with your backaches, you’re starting to feel a little anxious about the upcoming birth and all the things you still need to do to get ready for your baby’s arrival. What to do? Consider a prenatal massage! The benefits are numerous, and go well beyond pampering, according to Allyson Osbourne, manager at Becoming Mom, a full-service spa with special products and offerings for anticipating, expecting, and new moms.

“Pregnancy massage helps with sciatic pain, sleeplessness, and your muscles and joints,” she says, adding that Becoming Mom massage therapists are specially certified for prenatal massage, since a massage during pregnancy doesn’t look the same as other massages.

“During a pregnancy massage, you are in a side-lying position with a supportive pillow,” says Osbourne. She points out that the moms she has spoken with find tables with holes for their burgeoning bellies uncomfortable. She also says that therapists at Becoming Mom will be sure to avoid reflexology points that are known to stimulate labor (and interestingly enough, are often found in the feet!). The good news is that thanks to the extra certification, therapists can offer massage at any stage of pregnancy, all the way up to labor.

Post-partum massages are offered two to six weeks after delivery, depending on whether you had a vaginal birth or C-section. Massages done earlier than those time limits can be done with doctor authorization. “It’s really important for us to work with the medical community,” says Osbourne.


The benefits of massage can be extended to your newborn as well. “In infant massage, the goal is to calm the child. The strokes are very light and gentle, performed with one or two fingers only,” says Kim Pham-Kuo, owner of Intuitive Touch, LLC. “Milking or wringing is a popular stroke used in infant massage to bring circulation toward the center of the body. It’s usually done on an infant’s arm or leg.”

Along with helping your baby to sleep and aiding with digestive issues, learning about infant massage is another way to prepare yourself, according to Osbourne. “It’s great for dads,” she says, explaining that dads will gain confidence and learn how to best touch their new babies without fearing they use too much pressure. Classes at places like Becoming Mom or Blue Cocoon are open to expecting couples, who will learn techniques by practicing on a doll.


Check out these facilities and visit our directories for more services for expecting moms.

Amy Stenger-Sullivan, LMT, BBA, CNMI
Owner, Baby’s First Massage, Amy Sullivan Seminars and Cincinnati Massage Connection
Fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and infant massage.

Barefoot RNR
7754 Camargo Road, Ste. 12, Madeira
513-271-5881 •
Fertility and infant massage with a specialty in pre-natal care. Barefoot RNR offers pregnancy and post-partum massage, along with “Easing Into Labor,” a combined therapy with two therapists that encourages expecting mothers to prepare for labor, reducing the possibility of medical intervention.

Becoming Mom
5685 Deerfield Blvd., Mason
513-770-6730 •
A full-service spa that specializes in services and products for new and expecting moms, preconception, prenatal, postpartum and infant massage classes for parents.

Blue Cocoon
9361 Montgomery Road
513-791-1089 •
Offers a new and expecting parent class on the benefits of infant massage and more. Open to parents with infants 0 – 6 months and expecting moms who can learn while using a doll.

Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center
4244 Hamilton Ave.
513-591-2332 •
Tummy Time classes incorporate a lot of infant massage — parents will learn how tummy time promotes core strength, along with massage and reflexology techniques to promote brain development, lessen reflux/colic symptoms, enhance sleep patterns, and promote bonding.

Cincinnati Therapeutic Massage Center
3220 Jefferson Ave.
513-871-2222 •
Pregnancy massage with a special foam body support system so that mothers who choose can lay in the prone position.

3440 Edwards Road
513-253-5681 •
Pregnancy and post partum massage for expecting and new mothers to help alleviate leg cramps, swelling, increase energy levels and induce deep relaxation.

Intuitive Touch, LLC
Kim Pham-Kuo
4790 Red Bank Road, Ste. 220
513-230-0489 •
Prenatal sessions lasts 60 or 90 minutes and are suitable for every stage of pregnancy. Patient is positioned on her side, propped up by pillows for maximum comfort. A typical Infant massage session last 10 – 20 minutes, depending on the child and is performed in a warm and comforting place, usually on the floor or safe place.

Mercy HealthPlex
Anderson, 7495 State Road
513-624-1871 •
Fairfield, 3050 Mack Road
513-682-1212 •
Western Hills, 3131 Queen City Ave.
513-389-5600 •
Anderson and Fairfield both offer prenatal massage and Baby’s First Massage, a class to teach parents and caregivers sensitive touch skills to better massage their infants. The Western Hills HealthPlex only offers prenatal massage for expecting moms to help relieve tension and alleviate pregnancy-related discomfort.

Motherhood Express
7000 Houston Road,
Bldg. 200, Ste. 19, Florence
859-746-2460 •
Offering private, one-on-one classes by appointment for new and expecting parents to learn infant massage techniques.

Services offered at the TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion
6200 Pfeiffer Road
513-246-2633 •
Prenatal massage to women hospitalized prior to delivery, and include high-risk pregnancies. Postpartum massage is offered by appointment at the TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion. Parents can also sign up to learn newborn massage techniques from a licensed therapist (call 513-246-2636 to register).

Whole Body LLC
513-351-1367 • 513-404-7786 (text)
Providing clinically advanced soft tissue manual therapy, baby massage, reflexology and Tummy Time instruction and practice, in both individual and group formats.

This article was originally published in March 2025.