Congratulations to the Rett Syndrome and Related Spectrum Disorders Clinic at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), which was recently designated a Clinical Research Center of Excellence by currently works with 22 clinics across North America that provide care and treatment for those patients with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic mutation affecting brain development almost exclusively in girls. The Clinic at CCHMC will join 13 other clinics in this esteemed designation. The award acknowledges that these clinics not only provide treatment for patients, but work collaboratively to provide support for families, as well as with specialists in a range of studies, including developmental and behavioral pediatrics, neurology, sleep disorders, gastroenterology and more.

The Clinic will be recognized for its achievement at the 13th Annual Cincinnati Strollathon, taking place on Saturday, Oct. 15, Sawyer Point Park (705 E. Pete Rose Way).  Families are invited to support with a walk (registration begins at 10 a.m., followed by the walk at 11 a.m.), fun activities for the kids and entertainment.

Learn more at or here.

This article was originally published in March 2025.