Moms looking to get in shape have a new offering in Cincinnati — barre3!  With a new studio opening in Montgomery (9600 Montgomery Road), barre3 offers a modern mix of ballet barre work, yoga and Pilates, giving participants a full-body workout.

What’s a barre3 class like?  After a warm-up to get the heart pumping, participants move into leg work (quads, hamstrings, calves and sometimes glutes), then “combo work” (using your upper body and legs at the same time). Seat work focused on hamstrings and glutes comes next, followed by core work and a cool down.  The classes combine isometric holds, small one-inch movements, and large range motion, all designed to rev the metabolism.  Participants will use low (1 or 2 pound) hand weights, the barre for balance and increased resistance, and a barre3 Core Ball to support the body in everything from squats to ab work.  Another signature of barre3 is a focus on modifications – both up and down in intensity – which allows people of all ages, fitness levels and body types to get what they need out of the workout.
Even better, barre3 offers childcare during morning classes, so you don’t have to worry about finding a sitter or missing a workout!  The cost for childcare is $5 per class, or $45 for a childcare 10-pack.  Want to know more?  Consider checking out a FREE class during the new studio’s opening week, June 1 – 7 (childcare during the morning classes will also be free this first week)!  Call 513-792-9333 for a schedule of classes, or click here to visit the web site.

This article was originally published in March 2025.