Stuck inside? Take a look around the house and see what you have that you can make something with. You will be surprised to find many objects that make for a good crafting session with the kids. Try the Rain Stick Noise Makers:

Here’s what you need:
Paper towel/tissue paper tube (left over when all the paper towels have been used up)
Construction paper
Aluminum foil
Uncooked rice

Here’s what you do:


  1. Cut TWO squares that are 3″ X 3″
  2. Close one end of the tube with one of the 3″ X 3″ squares by folding the square’s edges over the edge of the tube and taping the paper to the tube
  3. Tear off a small piece of foil
  4. Crinkle the foil horizontally
  5. Slide foil into tube
  6. Pour about 1/4 cup (or less) of the dry rice into the tube
  7. Close the other end shut by taping the last 3″ X 3″ square
  8. Decorate your tube with the markers

You now have your very own Rain Stick. Use your imagination and get creative while you are decorating your Rain Stick.

Turn your fancy, decorated tube over and over from end to end slowly to hear the rice fall over the foil inside, mimicking the noise of rain.

This article was originally published in March 2025.