Celebrating its 25th year, the Pyramid Hill Lights show has perfected the art of a magical holiday experience.

Fill a thermos with some hot cocoa, turn on some festive tunes and drive to Pyramid Hill for a wonderful evening illuminated by over one million twinkling lights. Bonus: everyone can stay wam and cozy in the family vehicle while driving through this 2-mile art and nature filled holiday loop. The serene setting, sculptures and lights really highlight how peaceful and beautiful winter is in Ohio.

Cincinnati Family Magazine had a chance to see Pyramid Hill Lights and we loved how there were little surprises around every turn. The installations by local artists really added a special touch to the displays and we had so much fun seeing what came next!  

This drive-through experience is truly the perfect addition to any family holiday calendar!

Need to Know Information about
Pyramid Hill Lights

Opens November 15th and runs through January 5th
Tuesdays-Thursdays, 6-9 p.m.
Fridays-Sundays, 6-10 p.m.
Closed Mondays | Closed Nov. 28 and Dec. 25

Pyramid Hill | 1763 Hamilton Cleves Road, Hamilton, OH 45013

$25 per carload general admission | $15 per carload for park members

Click here for more information, or call Pyramid Hill with any questions at (513)868-8336

This article was originally published in March 2025.