Avoid sunburns on your kids this spring and summer by being diligent with sunscreen.   Six or seven sunburns in childhood can leave a young adults susceptible to skin cancer, so apply it on your child even if it’s for a simple game of baseball!

More tips for you and your children:

• Start prevention in infancy. Babies 6 months or younger should be kept out of direct sunlight and need sun protection with clothing and hats.

Limit sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., when the sun reaches its peak intensity.

Avoid all sun tanning and tanning beds.

Use sunscreen with a skin protection factor of at least 30 on children and reapplying it every two to three hours spent outdoors.

— Seek shade, but keep in mind that you can get sunburned in less than an hour even when sitting under a tree.

Wear sunglasses that block out the sun’s ultraviolet rays

Put hats on your children anytime you are in the sun for longer than 20 minutes

– American Academy of PediatricsÂ