Chart shows variety of issues to be aware of when it comes to proper child safety with car seats.


Proper Child Safety Seat Use Chart
Buckle Everyone. Children Age 12 and Under in Back!
WEIGHT Birth to 1 year
at least 20-22 lbs.
Over 1 year and
Over 20 lbs.-40 lbs.
Over 40 lbs.
Ages 4-8, unless 4’9”.
TYPE of SEAT Infant only or rear-facing convertible Convertible / Forward-facing Belt positioning booster seat
SEAT POSITION Rear-facing only Forward-facing Forward-facing
ALWAYS MAKE SURE: Children to one year and at least 20 lbs. in rear-facing seatsHarness straps at or below shoulder level Harness straps should be at or above shouldersMost seats require top slot for forward-facing Belt positioning booster seats must be used with both lap and shoulder belt.Make sure the lap belt fits low and tight across the lap/upper thigh area and the shoulder belt fits snug crossing the chest and shoulder to avoid abdominal injuries
WARNING All children age 12 and under should ride in the back seat All children age 12 and under should ride in the back seat All children age 12 and under should ride in the back seat

This article was originally published in March 2025.