As the curtains closed and the lights came back on, my daughter exclaimed, “WOW! That was SO cool!” I’m pretty sure she said exactly what everyone was thinking. I agreed with her! As a mother and a former special education teacher, I found the musical to be fun, entertaining, and chock-full of situations of how to stand up to bullying and segregation. We quickly wanted to become friends with Lily Polkadot and her positive outlook on life, even though she was the only polkadot in a town of all squares. She was bullied and segregated due to her differences, but she continued to try to teach about inclusivity. The actress who played Penelope Square showed how a bully can act and talk, but no worries, Lily is strong, confident, and has the skills to stand tall. My favorite character was Sky Square as he knew what his family told him to believe, yet still followed his heart and what he knew was right.

My children danced the “squ-dot” dance all the way out of the theater and into the line to meet the cast. My son made a connection and shared that he is the only Michigan fan in a school full of Ohio State fans and my daughter shared that she is proud to be a girl with short hair when most girls her age have long hair. My heart was full leaving the show, knowing that my children not only got to watch a great show, but they gained skills in standing up to bullies and confidence in loving and embracing their differences!

Get your tickets now! The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati outdid themselves again! This is another show you won’t want to miss!

The show is running until March 25. On March 24, Ms. Carlotta Walls LaNier will join TCT for a special performance and Q&A after the 5 p.m. show.  In 1957, age age 14, Ms. Walls LaNier was the youngest Little Rock Nine member to integrate Central High School.  Tickets for this special event will be $30.  Check out the website for more information:


This article was originally published in March 2025.