
 It’s ageless.  It’s fun.   It’s perfect for any age.

There is something so calming about transforming a blob of nothing and rolling it out and creating colorful works of art.  Of course, my youthful attempts never looked like the perfectly crafted ideas on the box, but it was fun trying.

The fun still continues for this generation.  We were lucky to try out Play-Doh’s latest creative play items, the Spinning Treats Mixer and Cranky the Octopus.    With a 3- and 12-year-old in the family, they tested the age limits on both items.   These products kept them entertained for HOURS and  they couldn’t wait to bring them out the following day.

I thought the 3-year-old would gravitate to the mixer, but it proved to be a little difficult for smaller hands.  On the other hand, the 12-year-old boy told me he could play with it all night!  With a higher patience level, he was able to follow the “recipe cards” and create delicious looking cupcakes and shortcakes complete with strawberries and whipped cream.   He was very excited by the new Play-Doh Plus compound, lighter and airier than normal Play-Doh. It was the perfect compound to pipe through the icing dispenser.

Cranky the Octopus was so much fun.  Treasure chests, starfish and a giant octopus that grew tentacles of play-dough held the 3-year-old’s attention span the longest.  She had fun making her own fish, and colors quickly merged together while she created the most beautiful rainbow fish ever seen under the sea.  

I tried to make my own delicious-looking dessert creations … but let’s just say I am going to stick with building snowmen and butterflies!

Hasbro’s Play-Doh Cranky the Octopus and Play-Doh Kitchen Creation Spinning Treats Mixer sets are available for $14.99 at most major toy retailers and on




This article was originally published in March 2025.