All I hear from the mouths of little girls is how much they LOVE their new Monster High dolls they got for Christmas. These dolls turned an idea that sounded creepy into something cool. Well, now they can enjoy those unique dolls in the digital realm with the new game Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze by Little Orbit (available on the Nintendo DS or Wii systems … 3DS coming in March). Role playing with the dolls is fun and good for their imagination, and a little game time doesn’t hurt. Just be sure to limit screen time.
My 6-year-old loves Monster High dolls. So, I was not too surprised to find that she loves the game, too. It’s a little difficult for someone her age at first to get a grip on the controls and get the characters going the right direction, but she had fun learning. You get to race with friends as one of the 12 playable characters. My daughter was thrilled to see some of her favorites come to life in this game. This roller-skating racing game has you trying to beat your opponents to the finish line while dodging obstacles and collecting coins. It’s easy once you get the hang of it.
Get the game at a local store that sells video games or from an online retailer by visiting