Somehow, in a couple short weeks, my oldest will be SEVEN! Time definitely flies when you are having fun! My son wanted to celebrate his love of sports with his Cincinnati United soccer team. Since they spent three days a week playing soccer together this fall, I needed to find another sport they could experience together while celebrating my son’s birthday. I did not have to do much brainstorming though, because my son quickly asked for Topgolf!

My kids love Topgolf! They enjoy hitting the ball and attempting to hit the target, but their favorite part is by far the injectable donuts! I was a bit nervous about celebrating his birthday there, as I did not want to wait long for a bay with seven excited 6- and 7-year-olds. Fortunately, Topgolf has started taking reservations!

I reserved one bay at Topgolf for a small fee for a weekend morning. Being able to reserve the bay allowed me not to stress over wait time. In my reservation, I shared that we would want the bay for two hours and that we preferred a bay with a couch versus a bay with a high top since we would have a group of kids.

I stopped in earlier in the week and picked up all of the membership cards for his teammates that had never been to Topgolf. In order to get their membership card (which costs $5 per person), I just needed their name, birthday, and email address. The day finally came and after checking in, we went straight to our bay with a couch! Since I already had all of the cards, the kids were able to place their drink order and begin to play right away.

The kids took turns hitting three to four balls at a time before passing on the club to the next person. There are many different games you can play at Topgolf, so we picked the game that would be the easiest for their age. I was amazed to see how quickly they figured out what they needed to do to be successful in hitting the ball. When it was not their turn, they were busy eating the Injectable Donuts that I ordered in lieu of cake. Golfing held their interest for about an hour and a half as they worked hard to get more points than each other. After about an hour and a half, I could tell it was time to transition to something else. My husband led all of the kids to a room with a Foosball table where they played for the remainder of the party … of course all being super competitive too!

Celebrating my son’s upcoming birthday at Topgolf was easy to plan and execute! They do offer great party packages too! If you are looking for a fun way to celebrate your child’s upcoming birthday, check out Topgolf and all they have to offer!



This article was originally published in March 2025.