It may seem like summer is canceled this year, but it’s not! Now, more than ever, we need to get creative. Below is a list of some summer quarantine activities.

Explore Local Trails

I use a free app, AllTrails: Hike, Bike & Run. It searches trails close to your area and all over the world. It’s always fun to hike and explore new trails. Add in a scavenger hunt to make it more interesting for the kids (for example, find an acorn, a rock, a feather, a pine cone, a flower, a stick, etc.).

Get out the Bikes, Scooters and Wagons

Ride bikes or scooters as a family around the neighborhood. Simple as that! My son is 2 so we have taken many wagon rides around the neighborhood. It is a great way to exercise and bond as a family. Don’t forget to be mindful – some days the kids will love strolling around for an hour, others they may want to turn around in 10 minutes – and that’s OK! Turn around and be proud you successfully got out of the house – your kids will appreciate and love it. 

Camp Out at Home – Indoors or Out

Pitch a tent in the backyard or make a fort inside! Grill some hot dogs and make some s’mores. Pile up the pillows and read a family-favorite book in the dark with a flashlight. This activity can be done inside or outside depending on the weather.

Run through a Sprinkler

I remember when I was little, I loved the sprinkler! I found one for my son at the Family Dollar Store for $5. I have a feeling we will be getting a lot of use out of it. Grab some beach balls and water soakers – it will be a fun-filled water day, no pool required. Other fun water activities are water balloons, soaked sponges, water tables and Slip ‘N Slides.

Make a Sandbox

Build sand castles (if you do not mind wetting the sand so it is packable), bury treasures and dig them up or add seashells and pretend the family is at the beach! Parents, if you do not have a large sandbox, create a sandbox sensory bin. I bought a clear container and added sand, a shovel and dinosaurs for my son. He loved it!

Have a Picnic

Picnic in your front yard, backyard or at a park. Grab a blanket, pack a favorite lunch and snack and enjoy being outside surrounded by nature. My favorite place to picnic is Devou Park (Covington, Ky) – it is a large park that overlooks the Cincinnati skyline. There are plenty of places to have a picnic and still be able to practice social distancing.

Feed the Ducks

If there is a pond nearby that allows duck feeding, pack some frozen corn, frozen peas or birdseed to feed the ducks. Please note that bread, crackers, popcorn or any bread-like food is actually harmful to feed ducks. This activity can be done alone or paired with a picnic!

Paint Rocks

My family and I have taken many walks since late March. I have noticed that painted rocks are being hidden again – it’s always such a nice surprise! Paint rocks as a family and hide them together around your neighborhood or in your local area. Try to find other hidden painted rocks as a family, too! It is such a simple idea that brings a lot of joy.

Let’s make the most out of this summer and share your summer activity ideas with us on our social media channels are comment here! Stay safe and be well. We are in this together!

This article was originally published in March 2025.