I BELIEVE!!! Santa does exist and he is at Liberty Center Mall! From his rosy cheeks, beard, and “Ho, Ho, Ho!” I knew he was real and so did my kids. My kids patiently waited in line as Santa made every child feel special and gave them the time that they needed to share their Christmas wishes. He didn’t rush anyone and truly wanted to hear what each kid had to say.


When it was finally our turn, my kiddos took off their shoes to get nice and cozy by the fire with Santa. They wore their Santa jammies and immediately Santa commented on how he had the same jammies at the North Pole! My kids thought that was pretty awesome. Then Santa asked them what they wanted for Christmas. My 6-year-old asked for packages of lip balm and Pokémon cards, to which Santa said he likes to play Pokémon cards too! Then my 3-year-old asked for black pants, a princess dress, and princess shoes. Santa said he would put his elves to work, but that she was already a beautiful princess. Then he proceeded to ask them their favorite color and favorite Christmas song. My kids replied in unison, “Jingle Bells!” I am still smiling from ear to ear from what happened next … Santa asked them to ring his bells and sing “Jingle Bells” with him. My kids did and loved every second of it! Finally Santa gave them a candy cane from the North Pole and my son said he saw Santa’s eyes twinkle when he gave it to him.


treeWhile I looked at the pictures the photographers took, one of Santa’s elves helped my daughter put her boots back on while talking to her. She was engaging and kept my daughter smiling! Unlike many places that require you to purchase a picture or picture package in order to see Santa, at Liberty Center you have the option of buying a 5×7 for $5, a picture package, or you can take a picture with your own camera! How awesome is that?!?! I ended up buying three 5×7’s as it was a magical experience for all of us!


You can’t take a trip to Liberty Center to see Santa without grabbing a cookie from Great American Cookie Company and sitting in the “living room” to eat it. My kids enjoyed watching Santa talk to other kids, admiring the holiday decorations in the Foundry, and just spending time together.


When our cookies were finished we headed outside to the GIANT tree! You can even walk through it. Inside of the tree you can find the Nativity scene. My son and daughter enjoyed going in and out of the tree and problem solving how someone must have decorated a tree so big. Their final conclusion … a cherry picker! Lastly, we went and played in the kid’s area – my kids love the giant pig!


There is so much to do at Liberty Center! My family plans on heading back up for a carriage ride and to check out some of the holiday entertainment coming up soon. I also plan on having my kids participate in the coloring contest. Liberty Center offers many fun holiday options all in one place!


Check out their website for upcoming holiday events: http://www.liberty-center.com/holiday-events

This article was originally published in March 2025.