When life seems too busy and too rushed, take a detour and stop at The Pottery Place! Recently, after running errand after errand with my kids, I took a detour and stopped at The Pottery Place in Liberty Township. It was EXACTLY what we needed!

We entered the building and began checking out all of the ceramic and wood items to paint and we each picked the pieces we wanted to decorate. My son chose a lizard, my daughter chose a unicorn, and I chose a football sign … Go Blue! We received a lot of support making sure we matched our just-right colors with the correct bottles of paint. We were then given directions on how to clean our ceramic pieces and how many layers of paint are recommended for the best color.

We “slowed” life down while quietly focusing on our masterpieces and listening to Disney music. My son carefully painted his lizard green, yellow and orange while my daughter painted her unicorn in various shades of pink and then added purple polka dots. I focused on painting my football sign Maize and Blue!

When we were finished, my son asked if we could take our items home immediately. He was told that we needed to wait a week before we could return to pick up our items. My daughter immediately asked, “Why a week?” and the fantastic staff at The Pottery Place walked both of my kids through the entire process! My kids were told that their pieces have to dry for 24 hours, then be dipped in glaze and dry for at least 2 days. Next, the items are put in the kiln which is “hotter than Mommy’s oven at home,” and were told that the items needed to cool before they could pick them up. Not only did my kids get a description of the step by step process, but they also got to go in the back and see the actual kiln! They loved it and so did I!


This article was originally published in March 2025.