On nice days when I was little, my mom would walk me up to the library a couple blocks away. We would sit and play with their toys and put together their puzzles, and when we left, my bag typically had an iSpy book, a Madeline book and a spooky story book. We’d walk home and I would pour out my bag to evaluate my book picks. I’d make a stack of what to read first, second, last. Part of the appeal was that it was free fun! However, we’d often end up with fines because I wouldn’t want to take “my” books back! Sorry that I was book greedy, Mom!

Now that I have kids of my own, the library has become a major part of our lives! And Campbell County Libraries have introduced three automatic renewals, so even though it’s possible to get fined, you have to keep your books out for *quite* a while to accumulate any hefty fines.

In the last four years we have been to countless free library programs ranging from lap time, toddler time, holiday events, and more. We always make sure to look out for when Sunrock Farm visits the library, as they bring adorable goats, chicks and bunnies. Recently, the library has been a go-to spot for my younger son to hang out at while his big brother is at preschool. We love all of the pretend play stations they have been setting up — flower shops, pizzerias, bakeries, aquariums. Who knows what fun shop will be set up the next time we visit! The only problem is I have to shush him on our way out, because he hates leaving the library to pick up his brother! I can sometimes lure him out by saying we have to check out our Scooby book now, or else someone else might try to take it. Other times he cries, “I don’t want to goooooo” as we leave. It’s clear he loves the library. I hope the other quiet, behaving patrons can appreciate that.

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Recently we tried a program we hadn’t been to before. It was the Play Art class at the Newport branch. Classes are held on Wednesdays at 4 p.m., and registration is required (butĀ free!). My dudes met up with Dominic’s preschool buddy Elliott and they all had so much fun making WORM HOUSES with Heather. The boys decorated their new pet’s home with stickers before we went outside to retrieve the worms’ house-warming meal of leaves and grass. After shoveling in dirt and more food to the house, we introduced the worm to its new abode. Dominic named his worm “Wormy,” and Luca named his worm “Superworm.” He may have said “Superman” at first, but I heard “Superworm,” and he thought that was hilarious, so that’s what we’re going with.

At the Campbell County Libraries there are TONS of children’s programs to check out for newborns to teens on almost every day of the week! A new program I am excited about is the Monday night “Full STEAM (science technology engineering art math) Ahead” program at the Fort Thomas/Carrico Branch. I love that my husband can attend this class and that it is hands-on learning. It’s on our to do list for sure!

You should definitely check out all of the free children’s, youth and adult programming offered at YOUR local library! And you should also check out a good book while you’re there!

Campbell Co Library Children’s Programing :

Cincinnati & Hamilton Co Library Children’s Programing:

This article was originally published in March 2025.